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Visit to AMUPAKIN: Quichua Midwives' Hospital

AMUPAKIN   (Asociación de Mujeres Parteras Kichwas del Alto Napo) - is a fascinating experiment in the institutionalization of native medicine.  For centuries Kichwa midwives have worked individually in their own homes or in the homes of relatives giving birth.  By contrast AMUPAKIN is an association of some 60 traditional midwives who work in their own hospital setting which is now being integrated to some degree into the Ecuadorian Ministry of Health's array of services.  


AMUPAKIN was an important site for Prof. Trisha Lopez's dissertation research.  By spending a day with these ladies Prof Lopez and students will explore the challenges  of integrating traditional medicine in to government public health policy.

Eulodia Dagua, "Our Babies Cry Like the Animals We Eat."

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