
Eulodia Dagua, "Babies Cry Like the Animals We Eat"
When you have a new born baby what does the mother (have to abstain from eating?)
When we have a baby, after giving birth we do not eat deer, collared peccary, or white lipped peccary, or pacas, agoutis, or guans. The only thing we eat is the little tinamou. The tinamou and what they call the dove? That is the only thing they give us to eat. We are also prohibited from eating river catfish because they say it will cause the baby's navel to rot. Why will it rot (if you eat that)? They say that if you eat catfish the baby's navel will rot.
Why? Umm hmm (Don't know). That is just what they say when they prohibit it.
That little dove I was talking about? We can only eat that roasted.
And why aren't you supposed to eat peccary?
Well the peccary, you know how it goes "Hmm, hmm, hmmm?" That is how they say that the baby will cry.
And the paca?
The paca doesn't sleep. It does not sleep at night.
And the agouti?
Well the agouti... They say that (the baby will (cry) like it does. You know how the agouti cries "hiaw hiaw"? They say the baby will cry like that.
And they say that if (the mother) eats a monkey the baby will cry like that.
I saw that happen with my brother's child. They ate it half way through (the prohibited time). They did not complete (the time of the fast).
While the baby was lying there the woman was given (the monkey to eat). "They just say that. Its just an old belief," they thought. And then it cried, "Churuú, churuú," it cried like that. It is true. Yes. It started crying like an animal.
What else can't you eat?
We are not supposed to eat those things, and besides that nothing like beef or pork.
We can eat chicken but only if someone else kills it. (We can eat) chicken that someone else has killed. They say that the husband cannot kill it or the baby will die.
And why are you not supposed to eat deer?
Well the deer.. The baby will become like the deer and cry "mamaaa, mamaaa." The baby will become one who cries, "Yiaaa! Yiaaa!
And with (eating) guan the same thing, (the baby will cry), "wawaá, wawaá! A lttle voice like that "tsin, tsin."
This little throat will completely dry up. That is the reason that we don't eat those things.
Kichwa Text: Lluku Animal Kwinta Wakanga
Llullukura charisha dueño warmi imara (mana mikuna)? Ña.
Llullukuwata charisha wawayashkayga mana mikunchichu ñukanchiga ni taruga, ni lumukuchi, ni wangana, ni lumucha, ni mashti punzhana, ni karundzi. Único mikunaman yutu wawalla. Yutuchu imachi urpi ninaun? Chiwallata kangashkata karay tukushun. Chilla. Chimanda kay yaku bagritawas mana. Mitzay tukuk manchi ñukanchita. Chi wawa pupu ismunga nisha.
Imarasha ismunga?
Chi pescadota bagrita mikukpi wawa pupucha ismugan niganun.
Umm hmm. Chashna nisha mizhaj anon. Chi urpi wawa niuni? Chiwata kangashkawatalla mikuna.
Wangana imarasha mana mikuna?
Chiga wanganaga pay imazata "hmm, hmm, hmm" nij an? Chaznashi wakak an wawa.
Lumuchaga mana puñukta ran. Tutas mana puñuk tukuk an.
Punzhanaga chiga kuti mashti pay shinashi chashna.. pay imashinata, "Jiau jiawshi" wakaj an wawaga. Chasna wakaj tukun niganun. Kay, mashtita, kushilluta mikukpis chaylla tupaj asskara. Ñuka turi wawata chasna rikuj arani, payna mikushca anaurami chaupillaybi mana pajtachishallata. Chi wawa wawata sirisha karashkara warmika, yanga ninaun biju creencia man nisha. Chiga, "Churuú, Churuú!" wakajgara. Chashna wakaj ara. Sirtu? Enda, pay animal shina nij wawa tukuj ashkara.
Imara mas mana mikuna? Chigunata mana mikuj anchi ñucanchi, chimandaga mashti kay ña wagrasami kuchisamigunatas mana mikujchu anchi. Atallawagunatawas kasna shuj wanchishkata pero mikunan.
Atallatas shuj wanchishkara mana kariga wanchina wawa wañunga nisha mizhaj anun chitas.
Taruga imarasha mana mikuna?
Tarugaga kuti tarugashinami wawa nij tukunga, "mamaá, mamaá" nishaga. "Aaa. aaa," wakaj tukun, chiraigu llulluku wawa. Karundziwas chayllwa, "wawaá, wawaá." nij kayllawata nin. "Tsin, tsin" llullukuwaga.
Kay kungawa win chaquirin. Chiraygu mana.. Chigunata mana michuj anchi.