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Encounters with Amus: The Forest Masters  (the personal forms of places)

Pedro Andi,  "The Story of Santu Urku, (Spirit Mountain).”  Youtube video. 1:37.  December 27, 2016.   English and Kichwa subtitles.

Pedro Andi, "Male and Female Forest Masters Cooperate to Expel and Oil Company."  Ivanhoe Petroleum Company. Youtube video. 2:06.  February 22, 2016.   Kichwa and English subtitles.

Pedro Andi, "A Paca Salt Lick Closed by the Master of Animals.”  Youtube video. 2:46. April 11,2020.   Kichwa, Spanish, and English subtitles.

Luisa Cadena, "Encounter with a Water Woman."  YouTube video. 1:54  Jan 17, 2019  No subtitles.

Luisa Cadena,  "Encounter With Amazanga Master of Wooley Monkeys."  YouTube Video.  3:48.  April 9, 2019.  No subtitles.

Eulodia Dagua, "Spirit Masters of the Game Slam the Door and Animals Disappear.”   YouTube video 0:47.  April 24, 2017.  Quichua text with English translation

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